Thursday, July 12, 2012


Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver
"The Summer Day"

summer lake

my memories are palpable when i am here
i can feel them in my bones
41.3° N 73.6° W

winter lake

deciding what to write about

begins with a list of things i like:

old music
art (seeing and making)
being outdoors
antiques / old things
playing games
beautiful times with friends
nostalgia .. my youth
making others feel special

summer goals:

learn to surf
get a bike. ride it everywhere
french fluency
write daily
paint weekly
more yoga
visit sisters
save a bit of money
be nice
feel free and happy
make pickles
jump in the ocean after work a few times
more fried clams
figure out what i'd like to do a bit
play tennis
make sand candles

I'll be 25 in 18 days.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

who i am is inspired by where i've been

I've been to New York. Lived, breathed, felt the energy of the city for an entire year, though felt as if I had been a visitor by the time the year was over. I've been to the South. Fell in deep, true love with the beach, the heat, the music, and slow slow passing of time. I'm nostalgic for the freedom that I unknowingly had at that point in time- no money, friends who were just as free, time, space, the constant smell of the ocean. Now I am in Boston. I have the ocean. I have the sun. Some days my heart is so full I can feel it swelling inside of me. Other days I feel as if I do not know who I am. I have always had both types of feelings, even when I was young. Both sides. I want to find out and I want to feel everything more. I want wholeness and contentment. I did feel this type of complete when I lived in Italy. I have palpable moments in my memory, times when I literally felt that there was no where on earth that I would rather be at that point in time. I felt no longing. My mind was completely present and I was incredibly happy. I felt pure love for those around me. I want to feel this way every day. I am dedicated to finding that contentment for and with myself. I do not want any bad days.